But when it comes to expressing my opinion, I'm
an expert. Whether I Love IT or NOT, I
always want to tell my friends, usually my girlfriends all about it, whatever IT
is. When life and schedules got too complicated, the time between my
declarations got longer and longer. I realized that I had to do something when the
beeping of car horns drowned out my discussion of OPI nail polish with the pharmacist
at the CVS drive through.
I would also like to mention that this blog's
goal may differ from some of the couponing blogs out there. Not to stockpile your basement or garage of
items that you will never use or will ever have the need for. Like the a guy
with shelves of free diapers, tampons, and baby food. I'm sure that he could
find a deserving family who really needs it or at least trade with another couponer. Just don't let greed take over and he is wasting
space for the things that he actually need.
So if you want information about:
Love IT Topics:
including Saving Money, Travel, Fashion,
Entertainment, Health & Fitness, Family...
and topics could that fall under either category
(Love IT or NOT).
Like reviews on products or experiences.
Come back again,
You blog looks nice for only being up for 2 weeks. :) I totally know the feeling of changes with time. My blog layout and style has changed a lot since Aug 2011 (I haven't blogged long myself). :) It's hard to find the right feel for the blog. :) You've done a great job though. :)